Contact Details
Contact telephone numbers at event *
Please put each number on a new line
I give permission for my child to take part in the normal activities of this group. I understand that while involved he/she will be under the control and care of the group leader and/or other adults approved by the organisation leadership. Whilst the staff in charge of the group will take all reasonable care of the children, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my child during, or as a result of, the activity.
Whenever medical intervention is needed, the assistance of the event’s Medical Team or A&E Department of a hospital will be sought. The Children Act 1989 allows a doctor to provide any necessary treatment by doing &ldquol;what is reasonable in the circumstances of the case for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child’s welfare”.
I understand that: (tick boxes)
Complete Registration
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this registration.
Your application has been saved but we will not be able to process it until you click the button below.
Before you do this, please check that:
* All your personal and contact information is correct and up to date.
* You have filled in every section to the best of your knowledge.
Once you click 'Register' your child’s registration will be sent to us.