Greater Things is an all-day event designed to encourage Christians to learn more about the gift of healing.
It will include testimonies, teaching and a time of worship when Words of Knowledge for healing will be shared. There will also be opportunity to pray for the sick (full agenda below).
Lunch is included for all delegates that book before October 10th and the price includes a complimentary car parking space in the Hasting Centre Car Park.
The event is organised by New Ground, part of the New Frontiers' family of churches.
9.30am – Coffee and registration
10 to 10.10 Welcome and explanation of the day
10.15 to 10.45 Healing testimonies
10.45 to 11.30 How to Grow in Faith for Healing – what hinders this growth and what to do about it. Steve Alliston.
11.30 to 12.00 Coffee Break
12 to 12.45pm Dealing with Fear and Doubt in Healing – identifying it and addressing it like Jesus. Adam Northcroft.
12.45 to 1.45pm Lunch
1.45 to 2.30 Workshops:
1. How to get Words of Knowledge for healing.
2. Facing and overcoming Fear and Doubt in Healing.
2.30 to 2.45pm Healing testimonies
2.45 to 3pm Coffee break
3.00 to 3.45pm Panel Discussion: Overcoming barriers to healing
3.45 to 5pm Worship, WoKs and Healing (praying for the sick)