
If your question isn't answered below, please get in touch.

For 2024/25 NEXT costs £1,500. This does not include accommodation in your home town, living expenses, travel costs to training or food. Additional savings/funds are needed – and therefore the budget we would suggest for the year is around £3,500.
The main base is at Hope Church Sevenoaks. However, for different touchpoints it will be held in different churches across the New Ground sphere, mainly within the South East of the UK. These will be communicated as early as possible.
Anyone over 18 who is ready for an adventure with God and wanting to explore what might be NEXT for them.
This year is an apprenticeship journey involving Christian discipleship, character growth, exposure to areas of different ministry areas and theological training.
A willingness to grow and serve in your local church, step out of your comfort zones, take on new responsibilities and opportunities. Ultimately, giving your year to God to see what He may want to do with it.
Either works well! The question is, where do you feel God is calling you! We would suggest first start by talking to your home church leaders to see if the NEXT year is good for you. Then talk about doing it at your local church or if there is a church they would recommend that suits the area of involvement you want to be part of. However, if you feel a strong calling from God of going somewhere but not sure where, get in touch with the NEXT Team and we can help!
A variety of resources for profiling and promoting NEXT can be found here.

Please get in touch if you have any other questions.