Contact us

If you'd like more information, or would like to find out more about joining New Ground, please get in touch. And please see below for information on Giving to New Ground, Charity information and Policies.

Get in touch

Registered address

33 Amy Road, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0PW

Email us


Donations made here are for giving to the New Ground Church UK charity. If you want to donate to specific New Ground churches, you should please do so directly.

To find specific church contact details, please visit our Churches page.

Give via PayPal

If you're giving to a specific fund, please mention this in the notes (e.g. "special offering").
You do not need a PayPal account to use this option.

Online Banking

Account Name: New Ground Churches
Sort code: 30-91-72
Account number: 03004165
IBAN: GB45 LOYD 3091 7203 0041 65

Account Name: New Ground Churches
Sort code: 30-91-72
Account number: 86475462
IBAN: GB89 LOYD 3091 7286 4754 62

Please use "your name/church" as the reference.

Gift Aid Form

If you are a UK tax-payer, please consider increasing your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you, by completing the Gift Aid form below. You can email it to us at or post it to 33 Amy Road, Oxted RH8 0PW.

Formulaire de don (FR)
Machtigingsformulier (NL)
Formulário de doação (PT)

NG Newsletter Signup

* indicates required

Charity Details

New Ground Churches is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1121110) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England (no. 6281483).

New Ground Together

There is a combination and interplay between spiritual oversight – apostolic ministry that is invited in – and the various charitable and legal frameworks in which our churches are based and operate. A tension therefore exists between the ‘spiritual/family’ and the ‘legal/formal’ aspects of how we work together. This document seeks to address aspects of both – to provide a backdrop to our relationships, and outline understandings and expectations so there is clarity before, during and after a church joins the New Ground family.


Cancellation & Refund Policy
Communications and Media
Conflict of Interest
Data Protection
Disability Inclusion
Finance Policy and Procedures
Recruitment Policy
Reserves Policy
Staff Handbook

Cookies Policy

We use cookies on this website to track user activity on the site and to enable various types of functionality. While we will endeavour to keep the list below updated, the site relies on many third party services and the list may therefore become out of date if those services alter the cookies they use.

Please note that all of these Cookies exist to enable functionality on the website and not for advertising purposes. If you do not wish these cookies to be tracked you can disable them in your browser, but this may negatively effect your experience on the site.

There are two types of cookie you may encounter when using this website:

First party cookies: these are our own cookies, controlled by us and used to provide information about usage of our site.

Third party cookies: these are cookies found in other companies’ internet tools which we are using to enhance our site, for example Facebook, Twitter and Google have their own cookies, which are controlled by them.
